Thursday, May 26, 2016

Pre-Trip Musings by the Nelson family in-law (aka outlaw) ... (Margo!)

For me, this trip is about the family I married into. And particularly, I hold Jerry and Loretta in my heart as we prepare to journey together. The Nelson clan (Chris, Tim and Tom, and Tom's sons - Josh and Luke and I) will be embarking on a two week trip to Alaska to ring our bear bells, eat salmon, (hope to) see a whale, a moose, dall sheep and snow capped Denali. 

As I've described this adventure to friends, neighbors and coworkers - I've repeatedly said "this is the trip that my parents in-law, Jerry and Loretta, would have taken" . . . 
Gosh they worked hard. And when they finally escaped for a few days, or weeks: they loved road trips. They often set off no itinerary in hand: the less plans, the more surprises: the better. Tim & I recall getting a a telephone call one morning from Nova Scotia, and in a matter of a day or two later, one from North Carolina. I fondly remember a story Loretta told about how Jerry learned about a beautiful community garden in a southern state and secretly devised a plan to bring her there, simply because he knew she'd like to see it. She frequently spoke of "awesome" vista views and he proudly regaled tales of conquering backroads clearly off the beaten path.  

But the background for this trip is their repeated declaration that in retirement they hoped to drive the Alaskan Highway. The big truck. The open road. And no time limits whatsoever. For those of you who know them: that image is quite easy to imagine. But life: a business, an incredibly strong work ethic, a sudden heart attack, and a host of other factors changed up the retirement plan they envisioned for themselves. The universe gave them something else. Not worse, not better. Just different. Jerry stopped driving in about 2011, but the truck stayed parked in the driveway as a place to smoke his pipe, listen to the radio, and nap. He died in 2013. And Loretta died in 2014. 

Their road trips took them to many places:  but not to Alaska. If they were here today, Loretta would say our going together was "awesome" and Jerry would shake his head and snicker a bit. 

So by plane(s), and foot, and helicopter, and boat, and rental van and SUV, and dogsled ... here we go. 
Off to see it for them. 
The more surprises the better.